Full Blue Moon Dementia
Antonia Crane invited me to participate in the Writing Process Blog Tour. Antonia and I have known each other since 2006, when we met in Grad School at Antioch University Los Angeles. In all probability we were drawn to one another because of our subject matter. We both tend to chronicle the darker, less...
Slipping on my studded leather jacket, I got in the van that was heading to the rehab. I needed help getting off drugs and was finally going in for treatment. This would be my first real attempt at a residential rehab and I had no idea what to expect. And even though my life...
I wake up and for two seconds I’m okay and then there’s this sense of impending doom. I can’t quite explain it other than to say that nothing is outwardly wrong. I’m employed, the rent is paid, my girlfriend loves me, I’m not strung out on drugs and my health is fine. There’s nothing...
Demetri, a shifty little bastard up on multiple murder charges, was my cellie. Many a night I’d feel the bunks shake as he jacked off and made weird noises. It was common agreement that one should do it quickly and quietly. He was on the top bunk so it shouldn’t have been a problem....
It’s three in the afternoon on a weekday. I’m jogging on Santa Monica Boulevard doing my usual four miles: out Santa Monica to Fairfax and back along Sunset. Oddly, there are a lot of other folks jogging at this time of day. I’m wondering: does anyone in Hollywood have a regular nine-to-five job? Or...
Print version published in The Weeklings April 26th, 2014
I forgive you. I was robbed at gunpoint by an addict (who jumped me from behind and took me down before putting the gun in my face). And while it was terrifying, he didn’t hurt me. Afterwards, I felt sorry for him, because you have to be in a terrible place to do something...
Dear Mr. O’Neil, I did not incorporate a formal thesis statement in my essay because I like the freedom to be able to change the essay’s direction depending on what I have to say or the tone I am portraying. If you notice, I have used different supporting paragraphs for each element of...
Dear Mr. O’Neil, Thank you for sending your manuscript. However I am at odds as how to respond to your writing. There is a darkness I find unsettling. If I am to believe it actually is memoir then you are not a person I want to know, let alone represent. Your manuscript...
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