Yeah it’s a full moon again and it seems to be workin’ itself towards being on the crazy downside and I’m out in the alley in front of my building working on my car’s pesky exhaust leak. When I feel someone pass behind me and I look up to see the back of an extremely...
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Its not like I’m huge or even humongous even, well, not yet anyway, it’s just that I sit a lot. Like I sit in my car as I drive to work only to get there to sit in my office or sit in a chair while I facilitate groups and then I do my charts...
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It’s a bit of a warm evening tonight, even for April, and there seems to be a lot of activity going on around me as I venture outside for a stroll. Across the street there’s at least ten taxicabs parked in front of the Pakistani restaurant and as I walk towards Bryant Street another cab...
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The voice speaking on the other end of the telephone was a bit on the murky side as if he was talking through a cloth held over the mouth piece. “You take highway 101 to the Redwood exit and then drive 3.2 miles until you see a white picket fence” And then he mumbled a...
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