Ok, so who of you out there is pimping yourself on the internet? Gettin’ busy—carefully dropping your personal stats all over that pay-for-access single’s scene web site like they were measurements for a matrimonial suit. All cleanly laid out and symmetrically aligned with that alluring digital photo that coincidently your last inamorata took of you...
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There are some things that are better left to the imagination or at the very least only used as scare tactics and threats by frustrated parents in the hopes of keeping their kids off drugs or forever celibate. Yet when one of these mythical ailments actually arises and comes on over to your house for...
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I was so quick to go there like it was zero to indignation in 60 seconds and the way that it affected my psyche so completely even amazed me! Do you think that it’s the result of my recent discontinued use of medication, or is it the over worked underpaid and unloved blues being once...
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