Full Blue Moon Dementia
What do ya think, it was the medication? Or maybe to be more precise the lack of it: The depression appears to be setting in again and I keep getting this nagging sense that everything isn’t gonna be right with the world anymore. Yet it’s over six months after the fact and I’m still waiting...
It has just recently dawned on me that I’ve been scribing this site of perpetuated angst for a year now, having posted my first installment on August 1st 2004 – one year ago today. And as usual a lot has happened in the last year: some of it good and of course with the yin...
Jimmy the Saint called me at work the other day, he thinks that it’d be a good idea if I went with him into the county jail and talked with the guys that are thinking of doing what we did. Well no, not what we did before, shooting dope and getting arrested, what we are...
There’s a lot of times that I’d rather be alone in this world as it tends to let you decide your own fate and at the very least eat your favorite foods without having to compromise or ask permission. Nevertheless, ingesting copious amounts of cheesy flavored popcorn aside, there are just as many times when...
With a last furtive and hasty look thrown over my shoulder I silently crept up the final flight of stairs on my way home in the hopes that I could gain the solitude of my apartment and for at least the next 72 hours never again have to leave its safety. As today was the...
The building’s management in their idiosyncratic and mysterious wisdom finally shut down the laundry room on my floor by locking the door and putting up a sign stating that it was closed until further notice for renovations. This was of course the laundry room from hell that was forever being flooded, with most of the...
Moving out of my present residence might just have gotten postponed for a bit because there’s the distinct possibility that I may have blown up my car! Blown up as in the motor being completely destroyed, and do you think driving really fast without any fluids in the vehicle, as in water and oil, would...
I’m moving, or to be a little more precise, I’ve made the decision to move out of my decrepit apartment building and with any bit of luck into a better area somewhere else in this vast and densely populated city. So I guess what that means is that I’m in the process of moving! Though...
In the seemingly endless and immense world of my daily doings and insipid past digressions that I all but tend to glorify through writing heroic like praises for; there are but a few that I’m inclined to leave out, or hide if you will, and it isn’t because I’m ashamed or timid in the telling...
Ok, so who of you out there is pimping yourself on the internet? Gettin’ busy—carefully dropping your personal stats all over that pay-for-access single’s scene web site like they were measurements for a matrimonial suit. All cleanly laid out and symmetrically aligned with that alluring digital photo that coincidently your last inamorata took of you...
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