Full Blue Moon Dementia

“You’re a whirlwind of excuses,” she said. Like it was me that couldn’t make up his mind. Of course maybe if I’d known just what it was that I was gonna do or what in hell it was that I wanted I’d a told her. It’s not like I’m hiding secrets or makin’ plans that...
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The car had been sitting there for over a week, its tires already stolen, the front jacked up sittin’ on milk cartons and all the windows opened, either broken or rolled down. You could see it from the front door of my apartment building, up there under the freeway, over by the new construction and...
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Just got back from watching a movie that advocated the overthrowing of government and ya know it left me in a pretty good mood with visions of democracy as the proverbial carrot on a string dancing just out of my reach. Leading me to conclude that I’m way past ready ta start a revolution and...
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It was Saturday morning and I was kinda in a hurry but I was also hungry which is a bit unusual for me, to be hungry in the morning that is. So I stopped at the bagel place on Market Street and got one a their giant bagels toasted and crammed fulla cream cheese to...
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From the backseat of the car I can see the rain comin’ down making patterns on the windshield as I listen to my friends talk and the radio playing some kinda trite thankfully fades in and out. And I’m sitting here thinkin’ that it’s been a long day and from the looks of my rough...
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Ladies and gentleman I’ve a real treat for you tonight as once again it’s time for Fromage’s whiney diatribe on being on my own, or shall I say by myself, single, unattached, as opposed to being a part of a couple. A couple a what? I hear you ask. Well, Ok, as in a relationship,...
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The pictures on the telly were truly amazing, horrific, but truly amazing. Not that I sat there and watched them for very long, but just enough to see the looting, the floating dead bodies and so much outright devastation with nobody in charge seeming to give a shit as an entire city was being mislaid...
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This morning I awoke to the roar of a million motorcycles revving their engines and burning the rubber of their back tires and unfortunately this time it wasn’t a Technicolor dream accompanied by a really loud soundtrack that I was inadvertently experiencing as some left over residual of drug abuse. Nah, this time it was...
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She was sitting in the booth directly behind Trevor while we were eating dinner at a restaurant that his friend works at. As a matter of fact that’s why we were in the restaurant in the first place so that Trevor could see this girl that he likes who works there as a waitress. At...
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I’m here to tell you that the Gestapo is alive and well and currently active in my apartment building! Of course not the original ones from Hitler’s Germany but newly manifested blitzkriegers in the form of little adolescent cop wanna-bes with sullen attitudes dressed in storm trooper uniforms and shiny black combat boots. And now...
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