Full Blue Moon Dementia
She sits there, across the table from me. Her eyes are glistening, she’s almost crying. I can’t tell if she knows how hard this is for me. Obviously she’s been hurt. Her voice stammers and I feel her from deep inside. I’m not good at this. I tend to shy away from confronting my fears...
I couldn’t believe it as I walked by the newspaper stand and there were the headlines HUSSEIN HANGED blaring out at me in two inch bold black letters. What, I thought, were we living in the Wild West again? This is totally ridiculous. There I was standing on Market Street where Sixth Street cuts across...
For some reason my brain seems to be a tad numb today. Like the synapses aren’t firing or my serotonin uptake is at an all time low. Although speaking less clinically maybe it’s from having just survived the holiday, or the rainy weather, or too much sleep or a few thousand other things that I...
Rain coming down, huge murky puddles forming outside on the sidewalk, as the clouds grow denser, gray sky turns to black, and all of a sudden the day seems to be over, looking like night. The cars passing by on the streets make that sizzling wet sound with their tires. Indirect light, coming off from...
My roommate’s girlfriend gave me some sort of potted palm plant for my birthday/house warming gift. It is sitting dejected in the still somewhat quite empty living room, a sickly yellow slowly replacing the vibrant green on its remaining leaves, a pile of dead brown ones accumulating on the rug below. I noticed it yesterday...
It’s those age lines by the side of my eyes. You know the ones. Someone less squeamish might just outright call them wrinkles. They creep like crow’s feet, like little rivers depicted on maps, like branches on leafless trees left barren during the winter months. They weren’t there yesterday. At least I didn’t think that...
I bought a car last weekend. It’s black and low and sleek and shiny with chrome bits. It’s a two-seater convertible lowered to the ground, black leather interior, silver-low-profile-mags with a CD player. I bought it off of Craig’s List from a guy in Santa Cruz. Like some clandestine drug deal I had to go...
I still haven’t got a car. Doing the bus thing is starting to get old. Now that I went and moved away from my old neighborhood I’m on the other side of the city from where I work. What used to be a five-block walk getting there in the morning is now two buses and...
Mid-afternoon, a warm September day, and it’s hard to get up off the bed. But I put my book down anyway and stand up, noticing that the sun is coming in through my bedroom windows, the blinds swaying with the breeze as outside a motorcycle struggles to make its way up the hill. Opening my...
Slowly I caress my laptop’s keyboard, admiring its sleek design. Silently, with come-hither eyes, I stare into its extended blank screen hoping for a sign from the gods or at the very least a little taste of the stuff that it gleans off the Internet for me. Unfortunately tonight there isn’t going to be any...
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